To say that Ta-Nehisi Coates’ most recent book, The Message, has been “controversial” is, well, “banal”, although the uproar has most unfortunately been upstaged by the re-election of Donald Trump. It’s more than a bit silly to be lecturing poor Mr. Coates on his sins—though they are, I’m afraid, substantial in their own right—when the…
Tag: racism
Paul Krugman is smarter than I thought!
Okay, perhaps I should have said “Paul Krugman has a far more sophisticated grasp of the uniquely divided nature of the American working class than he had demonstrated in many of his previous public comments”, but heads like that don’t get the clicks, and I don’t have to tell you that “Literature R Us”, frequently…
Uh, Professor Krugman, I have a question.
I am (generally) a big fan of Paul Krugman. I probably don’t qualify as an out and out Krugmaniac, but most of the time I’m pretty Krugmany, if you know what I mean. I even subscribe to his newsletter, and why not? Because it’s free! (In your face, Milton Friedman!) But—and clearly there’s a “but”…
Norman Rockwell, Social Justice Warrior
Not too long ago, I belonged to an online group, to which I no longer belong. Someone posted a collection of Norman Rockwell’s still famous (I guess) Saturday Evening Post covers and, as I glanced through them, I grew a little irritated by the relentless parade of happy, fifties, middle-class WASPs. I actually grew up…
Poor, Pitiful Paulie Ryan, from policy wonk to policy wank in six weeks
If you’ve been hatin’ on House Speaker Paulie Ryan as long as I have, seeing Paulie finally take the beatdown he so richly deserves is schadenfreude beyond a Paulie hater’s wildest dreams. Perhaps the best of the many, many drubbings Paulie has received is administered by the hitherto unknown (to me) Philip Klein, who hangs…
Shorter Krauthammer: Hey, it’s only six million! What is that in cattle cars?
If I were a Jew, I think I’d be uncomfortable with the figure “six million”. It sends the wrong message, don’t you think? But that’s how many “illegals” Donald Trump targeted for deportation in his latest speech, and Charles Krauthammer, who is a Jew, is totally down with it.. Back in the day, Charlie wrote…
Rich Lowry, headed for the last round up
The Donald’s “new” immigration plan is “detailed and substantive,” Rich Lowry tells us at Politico: “If we aren’t going to have a sweeping amnesty or tolerate the status quo, illegal immigrants must be subject to deportation. All of them don’t have to be rounded up, as Trump ridiculously advocated in the primaries.” No, we won’t…
It’s Whiter than White: It’s Republican White!
Sam Tannenhaus has a very good read at the New Republic about how the Republican Party, and Sen. Barry Goldwater in particular, traveled from being the champions of racial integration to being the defenders, not of segregation, but of the “right to segregate’—“neither a segregated society nor an integrated society, but a free society,” as…